Pest Control Services

Pest Control Services

Bed bugs are a significant problem in India and around the world. They are easily spread and difficult to treat resulting in a rapid growth in the number of bed bug outbreaks. The key to beating this problem is to raise awareness of what to look for and to ensure bed bugs are dealt with quickly once discovered.

Bed bugs feed on the blood of humans and other mammals. While it is possible for bedbugs to transmit disease, in India it is very rare. Instead, the primary concern is the irritation and distress caused by bed bug bites.

Bed bug bites do not hurt. It is the itchiness that results from the body’s reaction to them that causes discomfort. Treating the bites soothes the irritation, but it can still be very distressing when there are multiple bites as is often the case with bedbugs. Multiple bites and contact with bedbugs can also lead to an itchy rash or eczema. Consult a pharmacist for advice and treatment if this occurs. Adult Bed bugs are 5mm long. Before feeding they are a flattened oval shape and light brown, but become rounder and darker after feeding.

They come out at night and are attracted to the warmth of our bodies and carbon dioxide in our breath. They are usually found in bedrooms and hide in cracks and crevices during the daytime.

The most common shelter of Bed bugs is in the seams of mattresses, in crevices in the bed frame, behind furniture surrounding the bed (especially the headboard) or where the wall meets the floor. A more established infestation is associated with dark or black staining of the mattress from Bed bug excreta. An established infestation will also be associated with an unpleasant scent secreted by bed

Bed bugs usually enter a property by being carried on clothing or inside furniture. The most common places for Bed bug infestations are hotels, cinemas, lodges, auditoriums, and overnight buses.

Bed bugs often get introduced into homes with second-hand furniture. Bed bugs or their eggs get into clothing or suitcases and are then transported home. If there are any signs of Bed bugs when staying at a hotel, particularly being bitten when sleeping or seeing blood spots on sheets, take great care in bringing your personal belongings home. Consult with hotel management to assess the risk - it may be necessary to launder, fumigate or treat clothes to ensure they are safe. The same applies in transferring furniture. Rentokil can treat furniture for Bed bugs before bringing it into your home if there may be a risk.

Bed bug bites are unlikely to wake the victim. They can occur anywhere on the body but are often close to blood vessels near the skin. A single Bed bug may bite more than once around the same area. However, bites in different parts of the body indicate being bitten by several Bed bugs. Early in a bed bug infestation, the victim may not yet be sensitised to the bites and they may not feel itchy. However, small droplets of blood on the sheets will indicate the presence of bed bugs.ifying

biteIt is difficult to identify Bed bugs from their bite because our bodies react very differently to them. It is more important to look at the overall pattern and timing of bites and other factors to identify whether bites are caused by Bed bugs. The description below will help you identify if you have a Bed bug problem. Consult our guide to biting insects for advice about how to treat Bed bug bites.

Bed bugs are an objectionable pest and one of the most difficult to eradicate. High levels of hygiene, deep cleaning and the use of amateur insecticides will help to keep Bed bug numbers under control. However, professional treatment will be required to eradicate the infestation.

RPC offers a call-out service to deal with Bed bugs and other pest problems in the home. Our service is fast, effective and offers the highest level of safety for your family and pets.

If your home has a Bed bug infestation, please do not risk spreading it by taking clothes, suitcases or furniture to hotels or the homes of your friends and families. Bed bugs can also migrate to adjoining properties through wall or floor cavities. If your home has Bed bugs and you live in a flat or a terraced property, please be considerate to your neighbours and act promptly.

Dear Customer,

In order to help us serve you better, we have provided some basic information on common household pest such as Cockroaches, Ants and Silverfish. We trust this information will be useful to you.

Cockroaches are perhaps the most common household pests. Apart from being a nuisance, they can cause contamination and respiratory illness in humans they also transmit various diseases and damage property by chewing on or soiling bookbinding, fabric and other materials.

Cockroaches commonly found in and around human habitation are:

1. German Cockroach (Blattella Germanic): They are light brown or tan in colour with two parallel black streaks running vertically on the shield which covers the head Adults are 12 - 15mm long, with females being larger than males. Unlike other cockroaches, the female German roach protects her eggs by carrying them around in an egg-case or Ootheco with protrudes from her body until the eggs are ready to hatch. Each oothecha can contain 30-48 eggs that hatch in about 2 weeks. Each female produces between 4-8 egg-cases in her lifetime. Eggs hatch into Nymphs which are about 3mm long. They resemble the adults and are uniformly dark, except for a light brownish area in the middle of the body. They go through 6-7 instars (stages) before becoming adults. Adults usually live up to 3-4 months.

2. American Cockroach (Periplanata Americana) : They are reddish-brown in colour with pale yellow marking above the head. These are large cockroaches and adults are 35-40mm long. American roaches are not regular house dwellers; instead, they prefer dark, moist and warm areas, especially around sewers and storage room. Adults are good fliers and are often encountered flying into your home in the evenings or at night. 14-16 eggs are contained in the ootheca which are deposited by the female in a protected place. Nymphs hatch out after 50-55 days, resemble the adults but are flightless. They moult 9-13 times and are white when freshly moulted. Adults can live for 14-15 months.

3. Brown banded Cockroach (Supella longipalpis) : Generally look similar to the German Roach, pale brown in colour, except for the light coloured bands running horizontally across the wing base and abdomen. Adults are 13-14.5mm long, females are larger and darker than males. The female can produce up to 14 ootheca in her lifetime and carries each for about 1-2 days. Each egg case contains about 18 eggs which hatch after about 50-75 days. Nymphs resemble the adults but are darker. They go through 1-2 instars before becoming adults. Adults can live up to 10 months.

Ants are close relatives of bees and wasps. They are social insects and live in colonies. They are familiar insects that are easily recognized, especially in their common wingless adult’s farms, known as worker. Several species of ants commonly live in lawns and ornamental plantings of trees and shrubs in and around our home, offices, and buildings. Winged ants are frequently confused with swarming termites. However, ants and termites are not related.

Ants feed on sugar, syrups, honey fruit juice, fats and meat which they find in human habitation. Workers out in search of food form long trails which lead back to the nest. Ants are also attracted to sweet, sticky secretions, or honeydew (which is secreted by mealy bugs, sucking pests that can attract household plants.) They can bite with their mandibles (jaws) and certain species such as red ants inflict painful bites. Fire ants have a painful sting that can cause severe allergy. Ants can also cause contamination hazards by their presence on productions floors, raw materials and finished goods store.

Silverfish and Firebrats are often not seen because they are mostly active at night. They make quick movements, stopping at short intervals and then moving on rapidly. They prefer damp, cool and dark places, for example basements.

They are carrot shaped, 8-12 mm long, somewhat flattened, wingless and covered with scales. They have long, slender antennae and three slender appendages at the end of the body, which is why they are also called ‘Bristletails’. Young look similar to adults. They can several months without food.

The common Silverfish (Lepisma sacchaarina) has a silvery sheen, and prefers areas of high humidity such as basement, lofts, damp walls, below sink, wash basins etc. It feeds on human food and prefers materials containing starch, such as paste, glue, bookbinding, fabrics and paper products.

Firebrats (Thermobia domestica), as their name suggests, live and develop in hot but moist places such as around furnaces, in insulation, hot water piping ducts etc. They prefer a dark, moist environment and require a large supply of starchy foods or moulds. Firebrats are known to feed extensively on rayon. They prefer temperatures around 37C.

RPC Cockroach management (Household Pest Management) consists of advanced technology Gel treatment for cockroaches: no mess, no fuss, no inconvenience, combined with odourless spray for ants and silverfish.

An integrated approach is the most effective method of managing household pests in the long run. While PCI’s trained operators do their part, we also require your help to ensure your premises are free of household pests.

Exclusion - Inspect incoming material before storage and use in premises. Seal possible entry points.

Elimination of Water Source – Mend / Seal leaky pipes and taps and do not over water indoor plants.

Elimination of Food Source – Dispose garbage daily. Use garbage bins with tight-fitting lids. Regular cleaning of kitchen appliances, vacuuming and sweeping will all help to keep cockroaches away.

Elimination of Harbourage – Seal cracks, crevices and holes in the kitchen and other areas in your premises. Do not late trash accumulate and regularly clean your loft and other storage areas.

We thank you for RPC, India’s F Largest Pest Control Company with over 10 offices nationwide. Our thoroughly trained and professional staff will be glad to answer any other queries you might have on Cockroach management (Household Pest Management) and also our range of complete paste management solutions.

Dear Customer,

In order to help us service you better, we have provided some basic information on fly’s commonly seen in our surroundings: Common House Fly, Drain Fly, Fruit Fly, Flesh Fly, and Blow Fly. We trust this information will be useful to you.

Common House Fly (Musca domestica): Insect: Adult: grey with four dark stripes on the thorax and yellowish-light brown abdomen. 5-8mm long, with female usually larger than male. Eggs are white, cylindrical, tapering at both ends. Larvae are yellowish-brown maggots (about 11 mm long). Pupae are reddish-brown and 4-7mm long. A common insect found almost all over the world. Usually on and around filth, garbage and refuse and human habitation. Has a high breeding rate and liking for almost any kind of food material. Its habit of regurgitating while feeding and particles of dirt etc. sticking to its body hairs makes it a very efficient carrier of disease causing organisms.

Drain Fly or Moth Fly (Psychodidae) : Insect : Adult : small dark fuzzy, moth like, about 2-3 mm long. Adults are weak fliers. Eggs are lead in filth or grease accumulating on sides of drains and pipes. Larvae feed and develop on organic matter and microscopic plants that grow in the filth. Adults immerge after 1-2 weeks. Adults are often found cling to walls of damp areas in bathrooms and kitchens. They are weak fliers, flying only a few feet at a time. They do not bite and usually active at night. They cause annoyance and are perhaps the most common insect inhabitant of sewage treatment plants.

Fruit Fly or Vinegar Fly (Drosophila melanogaster): Insect: Adult: very small light yellow to brown colour; with large, red eyes. Up to 3 mm long, weak fliers. Eggs are laid on surfaces of rotting fruit. Larvae feed on yeast and fungi growing on the fruit and pupate before emerging as adults. Entire cycle usually takes 18-20 days. It is generally found hovering in swarms around decaying vegetation and overripe fruit and near garbage bins in kitchens.

Flesh Fly (Sarcophagidae): Insect: Adult: grey with three dark stripes on the thorax and checkerboard pattern on grey abdomen; 10-12 mm long, with females usually larger than males. Some species lay eggs while some give birth to live young on sources of food such as carrion, dung or decaying material and even open wounds on animals. Larvae are whitish maggots, which feed for 5- 7 days before burrowing into the soil to pupate. Can carry leprosy bacilli and transmit intestinal pseudomviasis to people who eat meet containing the larvae. When maggots develop in open wounds in animals, they can cause meiosis and blood poisoning or asymptomatic leprosy infections. Maggots collected from human corpses have been used as tool in forensic entomology investigations to calculate the approximate date of death (since the flesh fly’s life cycle is well documented and predictable) and this evidence has often helped in solving murder cases.

Blow Fly or Bottle Fly (Calliphoridae):  Insect: Adult: metallic blue or green thorax and abdomen; 7-9 mm long, with females usually larger than males. Adults are strong fliers and make a loud, buzzing sound and attracted to light. Eggs are laid by the female in the sources of food such as dead animals or rotting meat. Larvae are whitish maggots with small black hooks to tear flesh and fed for a few days before burrowing into the soil to pupate. Adults feed on nectar; Entire life cycle from egg to adult takes between 9-21days depending on conditions. The name ‘Blow Fly’ comes from the fact that animal corpses swell up from bacterial decomposition in the intestinal tract, causing them to become bloated or ‘fly-blown’. These flies are important in nature in the decay process of animal carcasses and are usually the first insects to arrive – within hours or even minutes – after an animal dies. They are also called Blue or Green bottle flies because of their colour.

We thank you for RPC India’s Largest Pest Control Company with 10 offices nationwide. Our thoroughly trained and professional staff will be glad to answer any other queries you might have on IFM Service and also our range of complete paste management solutions.

1 Prior to planning purchase of ILTs make an assessment of the number and type of traps needed by inspecting your facility. 1 Use ILTs outdoors as they may attract insects towards your facility.
2 ILTs shall be needed along the path of fly entry and movement, at 1 trap every 25 feet. 2 Use traps directly over areas where food is prepared or exposed.
3 ILTs perform best when placed 5 feet or below from ground level. 3 Install traps near a glass window or light where there is a competing source of light.
4 Traps should be placed perpendicular to entrances so that they are not visible on the exteriors. 4 Install traps in pathways of human or material handling equipment.
5 A series of traps is required to trap most flies entering your facility. 5 Install traps in areas having strong air currents.
6 Replace UV-A tubes once in a year. 6 Place traps within 15 feet of an entrance at flies may not respond to it.
7 Empty collection trays of Pest-O- Flesh regularly. 7 Rely on ILTs to control flies entering your facility due to ineffective barriers.
8 Replace glue boards of Spider when they get filled with trapped insects. 8 Locate two traps close to each other or less than a distance of 25 feet.
9 Dark corners are an excellent location for trap placement. 9 Place traps above 5-6 feet above ground if you want to trap mainly houseflies.

Pre-monsoon flying-insect Prevention checklist

1. Do the garbage containers have light fitting lids?

2. Is garbage being collected in containers?

3. Are garbage containers cleaned regularly and dried?

4. Have you ensured that door closers are functional?

5. Have you closed all gaps around doors and windows?

6. Have you replaced broken glasses in doors and windows?

7. Have you screened all vents and openings?

8. Have you ensured prevention of fly breeding on exteriors by eliminating garbage and organic matter?

9. Have you ensured that night illumination shines light onto your facility, rather than from your facility?

10. Have you switched from mercury vapour to sodium vapour lamp?

11. Have you completed a survey of your facility to identify the fly entry points and pathways?

12. Have you checked whether puddles from around your facility after rain?

13. Have you made sure that drains have been cleaned and are free of solids?

14. Have you ensured removal of sludge from the ETP?

Pest Fact Sheet Rats / Rodent Management

Dear Customer,

In order to help us serve you better, we have provided some basic information on rodent (usually called rats) commonly seen in our surrounding: mice, rats, mole-rats and bandicoot rats. We trust this information will be useful to you.

House Mouse (Mus muscules): The smallest of the rats, commonly found in homes. Brown to grey in color, 6-9cms long with 7-10cm long tail, large ears and relatively small eyes. They have a characteristic musky odour that identifies their presence. They prefer cereal grains, but will eat many kinds of food. They can jump more than 1 foot onto a flat surface and squeeze through opening just 6.4mm in diameter.

House/Roof/Black Rat (Rattus rattus) The common rat found in our homes, larger than the house mouse. Dark brown to black in color, 16-20cms long with 19-25cms long tail and large ears. They are usually active at night and very cautious, shying away from new objects and changes. They will eat practically anything but prefer fruits, vegetables and cereals. They tend to follow the same route between nests and food/water sources, leaving characteristic rub or “swing” marks on vertical surfaces.

Norway/Brown/Sewer Rat (Rattus norvegicus): The rat usually found near sea ports, brown in colour, 18-20cms long with 15-18cms long tail. It is larger than the House Rat and is an excellent swimmer, thriving in sewers and drainage systems beneath cities. In India, it is limited to sea parts/large cities due to the presence of india Mole-Rat/Bandicoot Rat.

Indian Mole-Rat/Lesser Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis): A smaller version (15-23cms long) of the Indian Bandicoot Rat, with a relatively larger tail (13—18cm long), rounded ears and short, broad muzzle. Their burrows have a characteristic pile of earth around the entrance (hence the name) and the burrow system is extensive, consisting of numerous chambers for sleeping, storing etc. galleries and exit holes for emergencies. They have a habit of erecting long hairs on their back when threatened or excited.

Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota indica) : The largest and most aggressive commensal rat in India, dark grayish-Brown, 30-40cms long with equally long tail, weighing as much as 1.4kg.! Usually occupies the outskirts of human dwellings such as compounds and gardens and is commonly found near garbage bins. Its characteristic large burrows cause great damage to grounds and flooring as it can also tunnel through brick and masonry. A non-fussy eater, it is also a serious pest in poultry.

Rats are extremely intelligent, agile & adaptable mammals and thrive in almost all kinds of habitat. They are expert acrobats and swimmers and can easily climb through open drainage pipes and rough surfaces of walls and tree branches near buildings. Their hard, sharp incisors are strong enough to gnaw through wood, chipboard, plastic and even lead pipes. Rats are prolific breeders; the young attain sexual maturity within 12 weeks and in ideal conditions, a single pair can multiply rapidly to 800 in year. Their droppings. Urine and hair contaminate food grains and also pose serious health threat. Rats are carriers of more than 40 dreaded disease-causing organisms such as plague, leptospirosis, salmonellosis, murine typhus, leishmaniasis and rat-bite fever.

RPC Pied Piper Service consists of an inspection, baiting and monitoring program with suggestion for proofing and sanitation, using the latest technology and materials.

Some conditions that favor rat infestations:

-food and waste material lying around, improper hygiene

-gaps under doors, improperly closing doors and windows

-wooden crates, scrap material etc. lying around provides perfect cover

-tall vegetation, drainage pipes without protective “ cones” can provided access to higher floors

We thank you for choosing RPC, India’s Largest Pest Management Company with over 10 offices nationwide. Our thoroughly trained and professional staff will be glad to answer any other queries you might have on RAT BANN and also our range of complete pest management solutions.

Mosquito Management Solutions

Dear Customer,

In order to help us serve you better, we have provided some basic information on Mosquitoes-we trust this information will be useful to you.

Mosquitoes are vectors for many dreaded diseases such as malaria, filariasis, dengue, yellow fever, encephalitis, etc. The female mosquito requires blood meals for development of her eggs and hence only females bite warm-blooded animals including humans, while the males live on plant nectar. The mosquitoes commonly encountered in and around human habitation are:

Anopheles : responsible for causing Malaria, the most prevalent and devastating disease that still threatens over 40% of the world’s population, causing sever mortality. Especially in children. Chief species responsible for this disease are Anopheles stephensi, Anopheles israelensis & Anopheles culifacies. Anopheles breeds in stagnant collections of clean water such as ponds, lakes, overhead reservoirs, underground tanks, etc. This mosquito is active after dusk and is called the ‘midnight biter’.

Culex: responsible for causing Filariasis,(by Culex quinquifasciatus) which causes fever and acute swelling of the lymph glands, a condition commonly known as ‘elephantiasis’. Culex breeds prolifically in stagnant collections of polluted water such as drains, cess pools, gutters,septic tanks, etc. in urban surroundings. It is the common house mosquito and a major nuisance after dusk, biting heavily, leading to sleepless nights. Culex mosquitoes are also responsible for causing Japanese Encephalitis (JE) , a viral disease that has assumed epidemic proportions in rural areas with rice-growing fields where Culex triteaniorhynchus and Culex vishnuoi (Rice Paddy Mosquito) find ideal breeding grounds.

Aedes : responsible for causing Dengue which has assumed epidemic proportions in urban areas where Aedes aegypti (Asian Tiger Mosquito) breeds in close proximity to humans in man- made collections of clean water such as water coolers, pots, old tyres, cans, empty bottles, flower vases, etc. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a severe, often fatal disease that results in high fever, shock and acute haemorrage. This mosquito is a day biter with a characteristic sharp pain. Yellow fever is caused by Aedes albopictus and has similar symptoms to malaria and also induces vomiting, nausea and jaundice. The disease can be fatal.

Mosquito facts:

● Stagnant water collections, natural or man-made, including ponds, sewers, etc. are ideal breeding places.

● large open drains covered with aquatic weeds & dense vegetation provide perfect breeding & resting places

● dark, cool places in and around human habitation attract mosquitoes for resting

● entry/exit time is usually dusk/dawn

● host for blood meal can be detected from long distances

● depending on species, a mosquito can fly as far as 8 kms

We thank you for choosing RPC India’s Largest Pest Management Company with over 10 offices nationwide. Our thoroughly trained and professional staff will be glad to answer any other queries you might have on our Mosquito out and our range of complete pest management solutions.


Dear Customer,

In order to help us serve you better, we have provided some basic information on Termites-we trust this information will be use full to you. Termites are often mistakenly called ‘white ants’. They are not ants but in fact, are more closely related to cockroaches!

Termites belong to the order ‘Lsoptera, meaning ‘Equal Wings’ There are six families, including dry-wood and damp-wood termites, and around 2300 species are known. Subterranean termites make colonies in soil while dry-wood or damp –wood termites make colonies in wood. Around 230 species of termites can be found in India.

Termites are social insects with a distinctive colony structure. A typical colony consist of Reproductive (King and Queen), Workers and Solders. The main function of the Queen (who can grow up to 15cm!) is to lay eggs and control all activities in the colony. Workers (up to 3mm) carry out all works such as foraging, collecting food, feeding other members, grooming the queen, nursing young ones, etc. Soldiers (upto 5mm) protect the colony from predators and have large jaws (mandibles), while some species even have a special snout-shaped head to squirt irritating chemicals on attackers! Once a colony has developed, winged adults (Alates) emerge and fly out (swarming) to mate and start new colonies.

Termites are silent destroyers. In fact. Their name is derived from the Greek word ‘terms’ meaning ‘the end’. They play a vital role in nature as recyclers; their main food is cellulose which is abundant in wood and paper. When they come into contact with human habitation and property, they can cause severe damage. Sub-terrannean termites are responsible for most of this damage which runs into cores of rupees.

Once a food source is detected, subterranean termite workers construct mud tubes to it and from then on, the march is relentless. They stop on nothing and a gap of just 0.5mm sufficient for them to gain entry. Once inside the building they can cause severe damage to all cellulose material like wood, cotton, paper, textiles etc. In their search for food, they can even damage non-cellulose materials such as cable covering, neoprene, poly-vinyl chloride (PVC), etc.

Some sure sign of subterranean termite infestation are swarming or discarded wings, mud tubes on walls or wood (yellowish powder or POP ceiling from small holes is not a sign of termite infestation-this is typical of Powder Post Beetle infestation), However the absence of any visible signs does not necessarily mean that there is no infestation. Damage is mostly internal-the inner surface is hollowed out while the outer surface remains intact.

This is why termite infestations are not noticed until it is too late. Therefore, the longer you delay, the more extensive and expensive the damage will be. When it comes to termites, Prevention is always better than Cure. Termite management is designed to protect your homes and property from subterranean termite attack. It is always advisable to get treatment done at the construction stage itself; however, treatment can also be carried out in already constructed buildings.

RPCI Termite Management consist of creating a chemical barrier around the structure or property. Treatment commences only after a thorough inspection and attention is given to use of proper materials, dosages, and techniques.

Some conditions that favour termite infestation:

● Moist, worm soil containing food material such as decayed wood, paper etc.

● Wooden parts, root stumps, stake etc. Directly in contact with soil under and around the building.

● inadequate and improper drainage, ventilation and lighting.

● Additional soil filling for terrace garden, flower beds, etc.

We thank you for choosing RPC’s India’s Largest Pest Management Company with over 10 offices nationwide. Our thoroughly trained and professional staff will be glad to answer any other queries you might have on Termite Management and also our range of complete pest management solutions.



PCI has, since inception, been the leaders in providing comprehensive IMP& hygiene solution to our customers,from basic pest control need to complex sanitation packages.

We are in the business of protecting your world , and as your partner will combine our knowledge to ensure that our comprehensive Steri-Sure solutions will protect your staff, your brand, and most importantly, your patients.

PCI’s vast knowledge, nation-wide network, highest quality solutions and impeccable service will guarantee a successful and sustained partnership. After all, why be sure when you can be Steri-Sure?


Low Temperature Sterilisers have now become the standard technology for majority of the Healthcare establishments in processing ‘heat sensitive’ medical devices. PCI presents a range of high-quality Ethylene Oxide (EO) and Plasma Sterilisers for the Healthcare industry.


Our Eo sterilizers models come in Manual, Fully-Automatic and Semi-Automatic versions, with a chamber volume varying from 2 cu ft to16 cu ft.


1-Robust & Sturdy stainless steel chambers

2-“One- Touch” makes operating easy & error free. (Fully-Automatic only)

3-Printer permanently records all necessary parameters

4-Alphanumeric display shows cycle parameters & status accurately


1-Interlocked Door: Cycle does not start until door is locked, and does not open until entire cycle is complete.

2-Once Locked, the chamber remains vacuum-sealed and leak-free

3-The aeration is also carried out in the same sterilizer, eliminating any chance of gas exposure

4-Auto- Abort:Automatically terminates the cycle in case of any abnormal parameters.

Together with Korean-based Humanmeditek, PCI bring you the next generation of sterilization technologies – Plasma Sterilisation. PCI is one of the exclusive distributors of these top-quality, aesth etically designed, machines in India.

Speed; The entire cycle time is between 35-70 minutes depending on models-hence greater turnaround of medical instruments.

Strength:The sterilization and lumen claims are validated by reputed institutions like LAMSA and SPM for the effectiveness of flexible limen of 1 mm diameter and up to 10 meter long and rigid scope of 1 mm diameter and up to length.

Safety;Very safe sterilization practice as there would not be any harmful or hazardous reactant products. These sterilizers are CE marked, ISO 13485 sertified

Smart;Aesthetically designed sterilizers and very user friendly in operation. One touch operation and easy documentation.


Packaging is the key to proper sterilization & sterility maintenance. Our packaging materials are designed to warp & package medical devices/instruments for sterilization, Storage & Aseptic presentation.

Characteristiccs :

It must be permeable to the sterilizing agent. (eg. Steam,EO,Plasma….)

It must have excellent barrier qualities.

It must allow adequate air removal from packaging & contents.

It must allow adequate release & removal of the sterilant at the end of the sterilization cycle.

It must withstand the physical conditions(Temp.,Relative Humidity,Pressure or Vacuum) of that particular process.


PCI Introduces a wide range of high quality medical packaging solutions for sterility maintenance. These products have been designed to exacting standard to meet stringent requirements for different packaging applications of hospitals and medical device manufactures. Built-in process indicators are provided on the paper side for EO & Steam. The tear resistant film ensures the clean peel opening & aseptic presentation of contents is facilitated. These comply with ISO-11607 specifications.

A) Flat Reels:

These reels are designed to allow the user to cut the desired length & heat seal the end, to form a pouch.

B) Gusseted Reels:

These have all the characteristics of packaging reels, except the film has folds to increase the volume to accommodate bulky instruments. (eg. Octopus, Defibrillators.)

C)Tyvek reels:

These are specially designed from Tyvek (Permeable polymer based material), and non-cellulosic in nature which is the only suitable material for Plasma Sterilisers.

D) Heat Sealable Pouches:

These have one open end to allow for insertion of contents & subsequent sealing. They are generally used for small, light weight items. Availability of sizes can be given on request.


Different surgeries are performed in different OTs in a hospital. It is important to keep a track of the sterilized instruments being issued to the different OTs/surgeons. This is achieved by attaching a lable to each and every sterile pack/tray before it leaves the CSSD Dept.


Having built in process indicator for Steam & EO separately. Meets the standards of ISO 11140 class 1 standards.


A user friendly applicator with a manu, to insert Date of Sterilisation, Technicians name, Batch No. & Expiry Date.


PCI’s disinfection and sterilization technology is not limited only to tangible items. Medixair, a revolutionary new germicidal product for air sterilization based on UVC light. It sterilizes premises against airborne infection caused by viruses, bacteria and spores. It is compact ,portable, easy to use and maintain and complies with International Statutory Safety Regulations. This amazing unit is capable of destroying greater than 99.999% of micro-organisms (bacteria and viruses) in the air.

100% Safe – no toxic residues, silent operation, low operating coasts, compact, portable, modern design, high efficiency to size ratio, no ozone depletion, ease of use and maintenance. Medixair is designed to operate 24 x 7days,providing continuous air sterilization without the need for operator supervision.

Application: Operation Theatres, Burns Units, Neo-Natal Wards, Intensive Care Units (ICUs), Post-Operative/Recovery Rooms, Orthopadic Rooms/wards, Isolationrooms/wards, Microbiology/Pathology Labs, Culture Rooms, Sterilisation Depts, Mortuaries/Morgues, Waiting & Consulting rooms, General Wards (OPDs),etc.


These are reinforced, non-woven, wrapping material specially designed for various sterilization processes like steam and EO. Since the wraps are made of non-cellulosic Spun bond, Melt blown. (SMS) material, it can be also used for Plasma Sterilisation. They are single-use, disposable sheets, for wrapping instrument trays & packs of various sizes & weights. They offer a very high bacterial barrier efficiency when compared with conventional woven linen.


To ensure that the system is full proof & complies to all standard operating procedures sterilization indicators are used to assure that the parameters processes have been met.


A) Process indicators (Class-1) :

They are used externally to confirm whether an item has been processed or not. Range of indicator tapes & labels are available for different methods of sterilization, these comply with ISO Standards.

B) Bowie & Dick Test Pack (Class-2);

It is use in Pre-Vacuum Steam Steriliser to monitor air removal and to check for air leaks. It is recommended to use this pack daily in an empty cycle, preferably as the start of the day. This test is mandatory as per various accreditation norms for hospitals.

C) Integrating Indicators (Class-5) :

These are designed to react to all critical parameters of the sterilization process.

For Steam Sterilisation.

The following variables are defined as being critical: Time, temperature and water.


Stadardised & Certified Biological Indicators are used to monitor the sterlisation process. They contain a specific number of spores of a specific micro—organism(The one that is most resistant to that particular sterilization process) . A negative result after incubation of the Biological indicator confirms that Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of 10-6 (10 raise to minus 6 ) has been achieved.


Healthcare institutions such as hospitals and nursing homes and pharmaceutical unit, food processing and releted industrial units, all mandate a high level of aerial and surface disinfection. Constant attention is required to maintain clean,microbe-free surrounding. This poses a serious threat, as these areas are potential reservoirs for microorganisms, a constant source of infection and contamination. Decontamination should be rapid with minimum shutdown period.

PCI also provides a surface disinfection service called Sterifume to assist in surface disinfection.

● Kills a wide spectrum of contaminants such as bacteria, viruses (including HIV and Hepatitis B ), fungi and spores as well.

● Safe, non-irritating fog posing no hazard.

● No damage to clothes, plastic, rubber, metal or electrical fittings.

● Whole operation can be completed in 6 to 7 hours, compared to conventional methods that require 24 hours.


PCI provides cold foggers as well as the disinfectants for hospitals. Our ULV Nebulo and Neburotor are manufactured from strong, durable and resistant thermoplastics to deliver these disinfectants effectively.

● Easy to use.

● Powerful electric motor for greater aerosol volumes at higher velocity and greater penetration.

● More uniform droplet spectrum.

● Automatic rotation to enhance reach and spray (NEBUROTOR)












If you have any query about us, then please contact us.

  • 18002667474